Geospatial Information

Aristotle Metadata supports ISO 19115 Geographic information - Metadata through "Bounding Box coordinates" in the Aristotle Metadata Registry. This information is captured against the datasets and distributions in the Registry.

More Information on ISO 19115 Geographic information - Metadata.

Bounding Box Coordinates

A bounding box is a rectangular coordinate system used to define a geographical area on a map. It is determined by two sets of coordinates - latitude and longitude - which establish the location of the four corners of the box. The corner coordinates create four lines, forming a rectangle.

How to capture Bounding Boxes in the Aristotle Metadata Registry?

  1. Navigate to a dataset by typing the name in the search bar.

  1. Select a dataset from the returned search.

  1. Click on the Actions tab on the dataset page.

  1. Click on "Open item editor".

  1. Click on the "Components" tab.

  1. Scroll down to "Bounding box", and enter the coordinates.

  • Min Bounding Box: The minimum bounding box is the smallest rectangle that can fully encompass the object of interest while maintaining its alignment with the axes. It is defined by the minimum coordinates of the object along each axis. In other words, it represents the top-left corner of the rectangle that fits around the object.

  • Max Bounding Box: The maximum bounding box is the largest rectangle that can enclose the object while still maintaining its alignment with the axes. It is defined by the maximum coordinates of the object along each axis. It represents the bottom-right corner of the rectangle that encompasses the object.

In a two-dimensional space, a bounding box can be represented by four coordinates: (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) or equivalently as (top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_right_x, bottom_right_y). These coordinates define the position and size of the bounding box within the image.

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