Collection publication and permissions

How to publish a Collection and set permissions

How to edit, change and update permissions and publication details of a Collection.


1. From the home page, click on 'Browse' in the header bar. Go to the Stewardship Organisations section and click on Browse.

Click on the Stewardship Organisation name you wish to edit Publication details in. From the Collections tab within a Stewardship Organisation, select the 'Actions' button dropdown.

2. Select 'Publication details' from the dropdown.

3. A pop-up will appear where you can select the publication date.

  • The 'Publication date' is when you want the Collection to be visible. This can be back dated or future dated.


1. From the Collections tab within a Stewardship Organisation, click on the select the 'Actions' button dropdown.

2. Select 'Publication details' from the dropdown.

3. A pop-up will appear where you can change the permissions.

4. From here, you can change the permissions by selecting the dropdown. The group you select is who can view the Collection from the selected Publication date. For example, if you select 'Authenticated', from 2022-02-24 all Authenticated users in the Registry will be able to view the Collection. Please note that not all authenticated users may be able to view all the items within the Collection, this might be because of their permissions elsewhere in the Registry.

Last updated