Issues and labels

Issues allow users to comment on metadata items and suggest changes to common metadata fields.

Creating a new issue

1. Navigate to the list of issues for a metadata item by clicking the Issues tab from the metadata item page.

3. Add a name and description for the issue. The name of the issue is shown in lists and notifications.

5. The issue is now saved and can be seen by all users with permission to view the item.

Using issues to suggest changes to items

Issues can also be used by users to suggest changes to an item. This is useful for users who are providing feedback to a metadata item, but do not have permission to edit the item. Suggestions can be made for the following fields: Name; Definition; References; Origin; and Comments.

2. Add a name and description for the issue as shown in the steps above.

3. Select the field you are proposing to change. You can only suggest changes for one field per issue.

  • For a plain text field, a simple text will appear allowing the author of the issue to suggest a change:

  • For a rich-text field, a rich-text editor will appear allowing the author of the issue to suggest a change:

The field to be changed can only be selected when creating an issue, and cannot be changed. However the proposed change for the field can be edited after the issue is saved.

All Issues Page

2. From here, you can view all issues in the Registry that you have permissions to view by searching or filtering on the issues.

Breakdown of the All Issues Page

In the Search bar - You can search for issues by name, you can also search through filters and the issue number.

Filters - You can apply filters either by searching for a filter or by Clicking the Registration Authority name, issue labels , or users name.

Labels can also be used as filters by selecting them under "Labels". Filters will appear under the search bar and you can get rid of a filter by selecting the "x" on the filter.

Open/Closed - Here you will be able to toggle between Open and also Closed issues.

Issues will show:

  • The Issue Name - This is the name of an issue and the unique issue number (That you can search for in the URL and in the search box on the 'All Issues' page), name of the user who opened the issue, the Workgroup the item sits in, and the Stewardship Organisation the issue belongs to. The users name, the Workgroup name, and Stewardship Organisation name are filters, selecting these will filter the results.

  • Labels - This shows what label or labels are attached to an issue. You can filer on these labels by clicking on the label.

  • Item - This will show you the item that an issue is associated with. You can view the item by selecting it here, but it will not open in a new tab.

  • Comments - This shows how many comments an issue has.


Labels are used to add more context to item issues. They are used similarly to Tags within the system, except other authenticated users can see the issue labels. Issue labels can be created in both the Stewardship Organisation, or by an Administrator of the Registry. They can either be Stewardship Organisation specific, or registry wide when created by an Administrator.

How to Create an Issue Label

As an Administrator of the Registry

1. Go to Administration tools from the Dashboard side panel.

2. Under Quick links, select 'manage issue labels'.

As an Administrator of a Stewardship Organisation

1. Go to the Stewardship Organisation Homepage.

Last updated