Data Inventory View
A data inventory view refers to a specific perspective or representation of the data inventory. It's a way to organise and present information about your data assets in a manner that is relevant and useful for a particular purpose or audience.
Different views may be created and maintained to serve various purposes, ensuring that the information is presented in a meaningful and actionable way for different teams and decision-makers.
You need to be an administrator to be able to create and edit the Data Inventory configuration.
How to configure a Data Inventory?
Navigate to the "Aristotle Cloud Dashboard" located on the 'My Dashboard' page. Please note that this option will only be visible to administrators of the registry.
Click on the Data Inventory Configuration button.
This will take you to the Inventory Configuration page which will display a list of all Existing Inventory Views, to create a new data inventory click the Create a New Inventory button.

The new inventory creation page will be displayed, here you can enter the Name of the inventory and a description.
Next you will need to select an Inventory Visibility for your new data inventory, this defaults to Administrator, you can select from:
Administrator - Only visible to Administrators of the registry.
Authenticated Users - Visible to all users with an account on the registry.
Public Users - Visible to all users.

Next you will need to decide if you want to assign the Data Inventory to a Stewardship Organisation, Registration Authority or Registration Authority Status. Each of these sections has a drop down where you can enter a text search or select options from a drop down. These options are not mandatory but aid in refining what your data inventory pertains too.

Next we will need to select what fields will be included in our Inventory View, we do this by click and dragging fields listed in the Data Set Attributes and Custom Fields table on the left into the Inventory View table on the right.
It is important to not that because Custom Fields have a defined visibility setting the Custom Fields listed in the tables will potentially change based on the Inventory Visibility setting you have selected.

Lastly click Submit button at the bottom of the page to finish creating your New Data Inventory. You will then be taken to the Inventory Configuration Detail page where it will display the details of the data inventory you have created.
How to edit a Data Inventory View
Navigate to the "Aristotle Cloud Dashboard" located on the 'My Dashboard' page. Please note that this option will only be visible to administrators of the registry.
Click on the Data Inventory Configuration button.
This will take you to the Inventory Configuration page which will display a list of all Existing Inventory Views, to edit a data inventory view click the on the name of the inventory view in the list.

This will take you to the Inventory Configuration Detail page which displays all the details that have already been entered for the Data Inventory View. To edit the configuration, press the Edit Configuration button.

Follow steps 4 to 8 from the Create Data Inventory View process above the edit and submit your changes.
How to access your Data Inventory View
There are two primary ways to access the Data Inventory View, firstly as an admin you can access the view from the Inventory Configuration Detail page.

Or if you are an authorised user or a public user you can use the search functionality to find Data Inventory Views.
You will see in the Item types section on the left "Inventory" will now display as a selectable filter.

Which ever way you access the Data Inventory view you will find yourself on the Inventory View page. Here you'll find details about the Data Inventory View at the top followed by the Inventory Field table.

This table will contain the field which have been selected in the Data Inventory Configuration and will list each item which applies for the view.
You can sort each column by both acsending and decsending order by using the up and down arrows next to the column name.
You can also apply a filter by clicking the filter button if you wish to filter the view results further.
Last updated