Creating and editing custom item templates
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Custom item templates can only be created by a Registry Administrator.
Registry Administrators can create and edit custom metadata item templates from their Administrator tools. These allow users to quickly create metadata items that adhere to a predefined, customisable template, and make changes that differ from the default Aristotle Metadata Registry page format (including the addition of sub-pages, and custom item editors).
Select 'Administrator tools' from the dashboard side panel.
Select 'Manage Metadata Item Templates'.
If you are creating a new custom item template, select 'Create New Template'. If you are editing an existing custom item template, select 'Edit' from the row of your desired template.
Populate the 'Name' and 'Template Description' fields as desired.
Select the metadata item type this template will create when used via the 'Base Metadata Type' dropdown.
Select whether the template will be usable registry-wide, or by a specific Stewardship Organisation via the 'Applicable to' dropdown.
If you selected 'Stewardship Organisation' in the last step, select the Stewardship Organisation the template will be usable by via the 'Stewardship Organisation' dropdown. If you selected 'Registry' in the last step, proceed to step 8.
Select whether this template will be in draft status, or active (able to be used) upon creation/saving via the 'Status' dropdown.
Drag and drop all fields you wish to be editable via the item editor of templated item(s) from the 'All Fields' box to the 'Editor Fields' box.
If you wish to include templated items' infoboxes on their pages, tick the 'Include Infobox' checkbox. If you wish to exclude templated items' infoboxes from their pages, untick the 'Include Infobox' checkbox.
If you wish to add containers, fields, widgets or custom HTML to the template, select the '+' symbol in the 'Container' field. If you do not wish to add containers, fields, widgets or custom HTML to the template, proceed to step 13.
Select the cog symbol to adjust:
Inclusion and collapsibility via the 'Include Header?' and 'Content Collapsible' checkboxes
Text via the 'Header Text' field
Element overriding via the 'Override Header Element' dropdown:
Header 1-6: Different sized heading styles, with 'Header 1' being the largest, 'Header 2' being the default size in Aristotle and 'Header 6' being the smallest
Span: Inserts extra space between words of the header
Label: A style reminiscent of a subtitle
CSS style elements via the 'Additional CSS classes' field
Container font size via the 'Container Font Size' dropdown.
Select the dynamic layout symbol (a double-sided, horizontal arrow by default) to cycle through the available formats of the container. It will display any inserted containers, fields, widgets or custom HTML in the layout you choose.
Note: The 'Content Collapsible' checkbox, 'Header Text' field and 'Override Header Element' dropdown will only appear if the 'Include Header' checkbox is ticked.
Select from the following to add them to the template:
'Container': Adds another container, which itself can contain more containers, fields, widgets or custom HTML:
See step 11's notes for cog and layout symbol functionality
Select the '+' symbol to add containers, fields, widgets or custom HTML to this container
'Field': Opens a dropdown. Templated item fields selected from this dropdown will appear in the relevant container
The cog symbol allows headers and labels to be adjusted for the selected field:
See step 11's notes for header configuration
'Override Label Text': Allows the text of an included label to be customised
'Override Label Element': Allows the style of an included label to be selected
'Field Font Size': Allows the size of a field's font to be adjusted
Note: Greyed-out dropdown fields are selectable, but represent fields that are currently not included or editable in the item template (step 9), and will therefore be empty without further configuration.
'Widget': Opens a dropdown. Widgets chosen from this dropdown will be included in the relevant container, populated by the templated items information
See step 11's notes for cog symbol functionality
'Custom HTML': Allows custom HTML to be added to the relevant container.
Note: The bin symbol that appears when configuring any of the above can be selected to remove the relevant container, field, widget or custom HTML from the template.
Once satisfied, select 'Submit'/'Save Changes'.
If you wish to add sub-pages to the template, proceed to Creating and editing sub-pages.
Note: Sub-pages cannot be added during the initial creation of an item template. Submit the item template, then edit it from the 'Metadata Item Templates' page to add sub-pages.