
Reviews are used to endorse metadata to different states by Registration Authorities - it's a way for different Registration Authorities, or different business areas, to put their 'stamp of approval' on metadata content.

How to Open a Review

From the Reviews Page

1. Go to 'Review Requests' on the Dashboard side panel.

3. Fill in the form to open a review.

  • Title - This is the title for the review.

  • Workgroup - The Workgroup this review will be associated with.

  • Registration Authority - The Registration Authority that will be reviewing/endorsing the content in the review.

  • Date response required - The date that the review needs to be actioned by.

  • Target registration state - The state the content in the review is to be endorsed at.

  • Date registration effective - The date the metadata in the review will be endorsed on, this is the date the endorsement state will take effect for the content.

  • Metadata - The content to be included in the review.

  • Cascade registration - 'No' for the items selected only. 'Yes' for all the selected items, plus the items that are linked/attached to those items.

From an Item Page

1. Go to the item page for the item you wish to open a review for.

2. From the Actions bar dropdown, select 'Submit for review'.

3. Fill in the form and select 'Create New Review' once complete to open the review.

4. You will be taken to the reviews page.

Last updated