Uploading structured data (JSON) custom fields
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Last updated
The bulk uploader can only be used by users who have permission to create/submit new metadata items.
Structured data custom fields can be bulk uploaded using the JSON field from the registry's API.
Navigate to the 'Retrieve & Update' page of a metadata item with the custom field that you wish to upload by using the following URL format:
Navigate to the 'customvalue_set' section of the JSON, find the 'name' of your desired custom field, then copy its 'content' (highlighted blue below).
Paste the copied content into the matching custom field's section of the bulk upload template.
Structured data custom fields must be uploaded using .xlsx format spreadsheets, not .csv
If you wish to add new rows to the JSON text, this can be done now
A tool such as this can be helpful when adding new rows to JSON text.
Fill in the rest of the template as normal if you have not already done so.
Select the creation dropdown from the header, then 'See all...'
Navigate to the 'Upload metadata' section, then select 'Upload metadata' from the 'Aristotle Bulk Creator' field.
Select the appropriate metadata type, then upload the .xlsx template containing the structured data custom field.
Once the template's upload completes, select 'Save metadata' to upload the items you designed.
Note: If the upload completes successfully, the 'Upload Metadata' field will be green (as above). If the upload does not complete successfully, the field will be red, and the failing elements of the template listed.