Checking for duplicates in the registry
This task is useful during the audit and harmonisation phase as it helps to identify duplicate entries within the Aristotle registry. By removing duplicates, the registry becomes more accurate and reliable, which is important for ensuring compliance with regulations and maintaining data integrity. The two-step process outlined in this task can help streamline the audit and harmonisation process, ultimately saving time and resources.
Extracting the metadata using the report builder
Using Excel to check for duplicates.
Metadata Report Builder
The metadata report builder is a feature that is integrated into Aristotle's registry platform, designed specifically to provide administrators with the ability to generate detailed reports on the metadata stored within the registry. This feature is intended to provide administrators with a comprehensive overview of the metadata, including its quality and relationships with other metadata elements stored in the registry.
You can access the report builder in the Toolbox in the header dropdown.
Scroll down to Metadata Reports section and click on 'Go to metadata reports'.
Select 'New Report' to generate a new report.
You will need to select a Stewardship Organisation. You can select the type of metadata for which duplicates need to be checked in the registry.
Select the model you are trying to find duplicates for. For example, if you are trying to find duplicates of Object Classes select 'Object Class' from the dropdown.
In the 'Add columns' section, you will need to drag and drop the id and name of the metadata type from the Item fields in the left hand column.
You can also add filters, these can be dragged from the left hand 'Item fields' column.
Checking for duplicates in Excel
You can select the column which contains the 'name' of the metadata.
Under the Home tab in the Excel, navigate to the 'conditional formatting' feature. From the list, select 'Highlight cells rules' and click on 'Duplicate values'.
Click 'OK' to reflect the changes to the selected column.
The next step is to filter the rows that has highlighted the duplicated values. To do so, navigate to the 'sort & filter' feature under the Home tab. Click on 'Filter' from the drop down list.
You will notice that the filter is now applied to the column.
You need to filter on 'Sort by Cell Color' to get the list of highlighted duplicate values.
You will now have the list of duplicate values.
You can merge this metadata using the 'Metadata merger' tool. Click here to learn how to use the Metadata Merger Tool.
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