Creating and editing sub-pages
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Sub-pages can only be created and edited by a Registry Administrator
Once a custom item template has been created, Registry Administrators can add sub-pages to them. Sub-pages will appear alongside the default and templated view modes for a templated metadata item, and can each be customised individually of their parent item template.
Select 'Administrator tools' from the dashboard side panel.
Select 'Manage Metadata Item Templates'.
Select 'Edit' from the row of the template you wish to add a sub-page to.
Navigate to the 'View Template Sub-Pages' section of the item template editor, then select 'Create New Sub-Page'.
Populate the following fields:
Name: The sub-page's title, which will appear alongside templated items' default and templated view options
Slug: The sub-page's URL slug. This will appear at the end of the sub-page's URL when it is being viewed
Sub-Page Description: A description of the sub-page to provide context to Administrators.
Note: A sub-page's description is for the context of Admins/editors only, and will not appear as a field of the sub-page itself.
Select the visibility permission of the sub-page:
'Authenticated User': All logged in users of the registry will be able to see the sub-page
'Public User': All users of the registry will be able to see the sub-page regardless of login status
'Stewardship Organisation': Only members of the same Stewardship Organisation that the item the sub-page is attached to is a part of will be able to see the sub-page
'Workgroup': Only members of the same workgroup that the item the sub-page is attached to is a part of will be able to see the sub-page
'Registry Administrator': Only Registry Administrators will be able to see the sub-page.
Note: Setting individual sub-page visibility can be used to add a Stewardship Organisation or workgroup restricted viewing mode to items that are otherwise endorsed to the public. When used this way, an item's main page will be visible to the public, but members of the relevant Stewardship Organisation or workgroup will be able to access the restricted sub-page.
If you want the sub-page to include the templated item's infobox, tick the 'Include Infobox' checkbox. If you do not want the sub-page to include the templated item's infobox, untick the 'Include Infobox' checkbox.
Select the '+' symbol in the 'Container' field to add containers, fields, widgets or custom HTML to the sub-page. See steps 11 and 12 of Creating and editing custom item templates for further guidance on container, field, widget and custom HTML configuration.