Item page breakdown
What are the components of an item page?
This is a basic item page for a Data Element Concept. The item pages will change depending on how much content has been put into the item, and what type of item is being viewed.
Item pages are broken up into different sections: the main content area, the 'info box', and the 'actions bar'.
The main content area is where you can view any issues associated with the item, the item history, graphs for the item, the components of the item, the relationships, and the related content.
The 'info box' is where you can see what the type of metadata the item is, the unique identifier that is assigned to this specific item, any endorsements, when it was last updated and by whom, when the item was created, if it has any supersedes and if it has been superseded by anything.
Some content in the 'info box' may not be visible to some users, depending on the users permissions.
The 'actions bar' is where you can favourite the item, publish the item, perform different actions depending on your permissions, and download the content.
Last updated