Managing your account
Your Profile is where you can go to manage your account.
To get to your profile select 'My Profile' from your Dashboard side panel or from the dropdown in the Header bar.
From your Profile page you can:
Edit your personal information - such as your display name, profile picture, email address, and default content language.
View the Organisations you belong to.
View any active sessions, you can even log out from here by clicking on the 'End Session'.
The Actions you can do from your Profile:
From 'Edit Profile', you can edit your account details such as your Display Name, upload a Profile Picture, and select the default Content Language.
From 'Change Password', you can change your password.
From 'View Recent Actions', you can view your recent actions.
From 'View my Roles', you can view your Roles - This will show you all your Roles within the different groups in the Registry.
From 'Notification Permissions', you can view/edit your notification permissions - This will let you change your notification permissions, letting you choose which notifications to receive in the registry. You can also choose to send notifications to your email.
From 'API Token Management', you can manage your API Tokens.
From 'Multi-factor Authentication', you can enable or disable Multi-factor Authentication. You can also generate and view your Backup Codes.
Last updated