Contact Form

You must be an administrator of the Registry to be able to perform these actions.

Contact forms are web-based forms that are used to collect information from registry visitors. They typically include fields for users to enter their name, email address, and a message or inquiry. The purpose of a contact form is to allow visitors to easily get in touch with the registry administrators.

How do Administrators set up a Contact form?

  1. To access the Administrator Tools, the administrator user needs to navigate to the appropriate section from their dashboard.

  1. To create or manage contact forms, navigate to the section labeled 'Manage Custom Forms' within the Registry Administrator tools panel.

  2. Select the 'Create New form' button to design a new form.

  3. In order to create a comprehensive contact form, the administrator is required to add several key components to the form. The components of the form are:

    • Title - Where users can input the title of the contact form

    • Body - The purpose of the form, which specifies the reason for the inquiry

    • Audience - The audience this form is for, this can be Public users or Authenticated users of the Registry

    • Status - 'Open' means new responses can be added to the form, if 'closed' it's no longer viaible and new responses cannot be submitted

    • Assigned users - Users can be added to manage the response to inquiries submitted via the contact form, ensuring that each inquiry is handled by the appropriate personnel

    • Extra notification email - An additional email where contact form inquires are sent to

    • Finally, administrators can add a customised thank you message that users receive upon submitting the form.

    Once the form is complete, select 'Submit' to save the contact form.

  1. From the contact form manager page (accessible via Administrator Tools or the Toolbox), select the button 'Test' of the contact form you wish to include a link to on the Homepage.

  2. Copy the URL that appears in the navigation bar.

  1. Go to the Aristotle Cloud Dashboard on the side panel.

  2. Once in the Cloud Dashboard, select Homepage Editor.

  3. Select 'Edit Custom Description', and add one of the below code snippets to the Custom Description box.


If an administrator wants to assist users in moving to the next page, you can add a special property to the link. For example:

<a href="[REPLACE WITH THE LINK YOU COPIED]?return_url=/account/profile">][THE NAME FOR YOUR FORM]</a>

This will redirect users back to their dashboard after they have completed the form.

  1. Click 'Save custom homepage' to save to the Homepage, and go back to the homepage to view and test the link to the desired contact form.

How can an external user submit a request via Contact Forms?

  1. To submit an inquiry, a user must navigate to the homepage of the Registry and click on the 'Forms' link provided on the Homepage.

  2. Once a user has navigated to the form, they can fill out the necessary details and submit their inquiry for further processing.

How can an Administrator facilitate a conversation with the user who submitted an inquiry?

  1. From the Contact form manager page (accessible via the Administrator Tools or the Toolbox), Click on the contact form Title to check for the submitted inquiries for a form. Administrators and Assigned users for a contact form will also receive an email notification when someone has submitted an inquiry via a contact form.

  2. Administrators have a view of all the inquiries submitted for a form. Administrators can click on the 'Details' to view a particular inquiry.

  3. Administrators have a detailed view with the users information and their inquiry.

  1. Administrators can add a note for the inquiry submitter in the highlighted section.

  2. Administrators can tick the 'Send to submitter' box to send an email notification to the inquiry submitter.

  3. By clicking 'Add update', administrators or users can facilitate the conversation on the particular inquiry.

Last updated