Creating and managing registration authorities

You must be an Administrator to add a new Registration Authority

1. Go to 'Administrator Tools' at the bottom of the Dashboard side menu.

2. Select 'Manage Registration Authorities'.

3. Click the 'Add New Registration Authority' button.

4. Add the Stewardship Organisation you would like the new Registration Authority to belong to, a Name for the Registration Authority, and a Definition.

5. Once done, click the "Create new Registration Authority" button to create the Registration Authority.

You will then be taken to the Registration Authorities Homepage.

Managing a Registration Authority

1. Go to 'Administrator Tools' at the bottom of the Dashboard side menu.

2. Select 'Manage Registration Authorities'.

3. Select the Registration Authority you would like to manage.

4. You will be taken to the Registration Authorities Homepage.

  • You can also manage existing members permissions or remove members from here.

  • General: lets you change the Name and Definition of the Registration Authority, you can also manage the visibility and whether the Registration Authority is "Active" or "Inactive".

  • States: From the left side of the Settings page, you are also be able to edit the Registration Authority States. From here, you can edit the Visibility level, whether it's Locked or Unlocked at the chosen Visibility, and the Description for the State.

  • Validation Rules: You can add Validation Rules to the Registration Authority from here. Validation Rules are where you can add in specific validators to check against any items that are trying to be registered within this Registration Authority.

    Click "Submit" Button to save all the changes.

Last updated