How to add a registration status to content
In this article we will go over how to Register or Endorse content at a particular state from an item page, without having to go through the Review process. This is for users of the registry that are either Administrators of the system or Stewardship Organisation, or Registrars of a Registration Authority.
1. Go to the item page of the item you would like to register.
2. From the Actions bar select 'Add Registration Status'.
3. Fill in the form:
Registration date - The date this registration state will be active from, and when this state will be visible on the item page to the appropriate users.
Cascade registration - Select 'Yes' if you would like to register all related items. Or, 'No' if you only want to register the selected item.
Registration Authority - Select the Registration Authority you want this content endorsed in.
State - Select from the dropdown the endorsement state you would like to register this content at.
Administrative note - This allows you to add a published note. This message will be visible and give more context around the registration change in the "History" of this item.
4. Once complete, select 'Review and apply status changes' to be taken to the review page.
5. On the review page, you can see the changes that are going to take place. Once you have reviewed the status change, select 'Apply selected statuses'.
6. You will be taken back to the item page. Once the Registration date you selected in the form hits, whether you chose a future date or back date, the registration status will be visible in the Info box under 'Endorsed by' on the item page.
Last updated